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The revised CIBSE Code of Practice CP1 (2020) represents a minor improvement in design standards but introduces compliance checklists for verifying that the process and standards are followed. Increasingly planning authorities are conditioning CP1 compliance, whilst historically unchecked, it is likely they will now seek submission of compliance checklists.

The Code has been updated to provide new requirements and add more detail to existing ones. For instance:

  • It is now a minimum requirement that Heat Networks are registered to the Heat Trust to ensure customer protection standards are met,
  • Feasibility stage techno-economic life-cycle assessment requirements are enhanced.
  • HIUs should be BESA tested and their commissioning should be validated by a third party.
  • Domestic Hot Water (DHW) temperatures have been lowered to reduce heat losses and be more compatible with low carbon technologies (e.g. Heat Pumps) without creating undue risk of legionella.