Technical newsletters about emerging issues & our latest research

Condensation Analysis: Don’t Leave It Too Late!

Posted on May 2nd 2024

Condensation warranty conditions can pose a costly challenge if addressed too late in the design process. As condensation is a complex topic, the requirements range from providing detailed thermal models of window interfaces to check cold spots, to a simpler analysis of wall build-ups to check internal moisture build-up. In this context, it is essential that developers consider any warranty …

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Energy Ombudsman set to resolve Heat Network customer complaints

Posted on May 2nd 2024

Heat Networks must register with the Energy Ombudsman (EO) who is mandated to run the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme dealing with customer complaints. This registration is expected to be automatic from 2025 when Heat Network regulations come into effect. Until then, there are two ways to get onto the scheme. Firstly, following a customer complaint relating to pass-through of …

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BRE Increase Fees

Posted on March 27th 2024

The BRE have announced an increase in BREEAM/HQM fees for all projects registered on or after 1st April 2024. The increase in fees will affect all aspects of the BREEAM/HQM process including registration, certification and fast track certification. Whilst understanding the necessity for adjustments in fees to sustain operational costs, it’s disheartening to learn about the upcoming increase in BREEAM/HQM …

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December’s Ministerial Statement Ineffectual Against Tightening Planning Energy Targets

Posted on March 27th 2024

Developers should assume that local authorities will be able to by-pass the 13/12/2023 Ministerial Statement and apply energy standards that go beyond Building Regulations compliance. Confusion has arisen from the Statement, given by Minister of State for Housing Lee Rowley, in which it was declared that ‘Government does not expect plan-makers to set local energy efficiency standards for buildings that …

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Heat Pump Refrigerants vs Application

Posted on March 27th 2024

As heat pumps become the generally preferred source of low carbon heat on developments with heat networks, the type of heat pump selected will be crucial for the success of the project. One of the key differences between them is the refrigerant used. There are various types of refrigerants, from natural to synthetic. Typically used in the context of heat …

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Is The Government Moving To Promote Refurbishment Over Redevelopment?

Posted on March 27th 2024

The recent high court ruling upholding Marks and Spencer’s (M&S) right to demolish its flagship store in Oxford Street could indirectly lead to a planning preference for building reuse over demolition and new build. M&S was granted planning permission to demolish its existing 1920s building in Oxford street, and rebuild a new 9 storey building. Despite planning permission being granted …

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Now Offering Right to Light Consultancy

Posted on February 28th 2024

We are pleased to expand our daylight/sunlight service to incorporate right to light consultancy, thus allowing us to give comprehensive advice in all situations. We are delivering this through a partnership with Matthew Craske, who has 25 years’ experience in the field. Together we can support developers address planning requirements for daylight, sunlight and overshadowing along with addressing the common …

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How ‘Sleeving’ Can Affect Heat Networks

Posted on February 28th 2024

The Future Homes and Buildings Standard Consultation proposed methodology for sleeving low carbon plant on heating networks uses peak demand for sizing of plant.  This will have a significant impact on developers, potentially accelerating the rate of heat network decarbonisation compared to a methodology using annual heat demands, but it will result in larger plant and associated impact on utilities, …

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Heat Network Regulations – What & When?

Posted on February 28th 2024

Heat network regulation is forthcoming. These will impact on developers, owners and operators of heat networks. This article summarises what is coming when and the status of each element. Consumer protection Consultation closed in 2023. Government currently analysing feedback. No confirmed date for introduction. Expected 2025-26 Likely to introduce regulation on fair pricing & billing transparency (within individual bills and …

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No Water For New Housing?

Posted on February 28th 2024

Water scarcity is resulting in planning applications not being consented in Cambridgeshire. With the majority of England being defined by the Environment Agency as seriously water stressed (see image), and only 1 new reservoir under construction (near Portsmouth) this problem may spread. There is a solution, which is to demonstrate that new development will be water neutral – this can …

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