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The go to approach for a noise assessment is to keep windows closed to ensure internal noise levels meet British Standards. However, openable windows can help to mitigate overheating risks to CIBSE levels set out in TM59.

Without careful consideration this presents an inherent conflict with residents left to choose between uncomfortable noise levels and uncomfortable living temperatures. The ANC’s Acoustic, Ventilation and Overheating Design Guide attempts to bridge this conflict with pragmatic advice on window opening schedules and risk factors to noise levels.

To ensure noise and overheating levels are kept to a minimum we believe the answer lies at concept design stage where decisions on the orientation of the building and the overall external design of the building are considered. Our Performance and Simulation team work closely to deliver optimised solutions using up-to-date simulation techniques.

We are continually looking at the bigger picture to ensure an optimised design has been created to provide the best possible living environment.