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The commencement date for the implementation of the ‘Zero Carbon’ standard by the Greater London Authority (GLA) is drawing closer, with all residential Stage 1 schemes received by the Mayor after 1 October expected to achieve this standard.

‘Zero Carbon’ has been defined by the GLA as a 35% reduction over Part L 2013 achieved on site, with the remaining CO2 offset through a cash in lieu contribution to the relevant local authority.

The Mayor also expects the new standard to be applied by local planning authorities to all other major planning applications.

The price has been set by the GLA at £60/tonne/year for a period of 30 years. Our calculations demonstrate that this may add around £1,000 – £2,500/dwelling for a typical apartment scheme. The GLA predicts an additional 1 – 1.4% increase in base build costs as a direct consequence of this new standard.