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Registering efficient heat networks onto the BRE administered Product Characteristics Database (PCDB) will help prevent operators from being overly penalised in Part L 2021.

Entering validated heat network performance data into the PCDB enables energy assessments to be more robust. A well-designed heat network can achieve a distribution loss factor (DLF) of 1.2 compared to the default values in SAP of 1.5 or 2. This has further implications such as reduced sizing of heat generating plant and decreased installation and operational costs.

Submission is via a standard process, and it is expected to take between 11-15 weeks for the data to be approved for use. The latest application guide and application workbook are under consultation and expected to be published imminently.

The registration validity periods vary such that where the data record is based on metered data, the data is valid for only 2 years if the network is connected to at least three heat generators and up to 7 years if the network is connected to one heat generator. Where the data record is based on design data, the data is only valid for up to 2 years.