Indoor Environmental Quality Evaluation

Building performance evaluation (BPE) is used to analyse construction quality by investigating how a building is performing. The information gathered can be used to optimise operational performance, undertake remediation measures where necessary and feedback lessons learnt to assist the design and construction of future projects. BPE can be used to demonstrate build quality, increase occupant satisfaction, and reduce running costs.
By monitoring parameters such as internal temperature, relative humidity, ventilation rates and illuminance levels, we can evaluate the quality of indoor spaces post occupancy. We provide valuable feedback and recommendations for improvements that can be made in relation to:
- Thermal comfort, including summertime overheating;
- Indoor air quality and ventilation;
- Daylight and sunlight.
Our client focused approach puts your specific needs first, tailoring the performance evaluation to each individual project. Whether that’s responding to resident feedback, considering improvements to indoor environmental quality as part of a retrofit project, or using building performance evaluation to compare actual monitoring data to design targets and showcase good performance.